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The challenge

Movacar PRO wanted to digitalize the complicated and inefficient vehicle logistics process for rental cars to enable seamless route planning and simple administration for dispatchers and drivers.

Our approach

INNOQ developed a mobile app that digitalizes route planning, administration and communication. The app simplifies the entire transfer process, provides cost transparency and makes it easier to collect and return vehicles.

The result

An efficient and user-friendly platform that revolutionizes vehicle logistics, saves time and optimizes coordination between dispatchers and drivers.

The original business model of the mobility startup Target Mobility GmbH has already been described here.

One tool to digitalize an entire industry.

The challenge faced by car rental dispatchers is having to plan the routes for the transfer of cars, vans and campers as seamlessly as possible. Until now, planning was mostly managed using Excel spreadsheets, and communication between dispatchers and drivers took place over WhatsApp. There weren’t any professional planning tools for driving service providers. Movacar Pro aims to change this and digitalize the whole transfer process entirely. The new tool is not only intended to efficiently combine individual routes but also to facilitate the awarding of contracts, ensure cost transparency and simplify the collection and return of vehicles. In other words, it is not just a simple intermediary platform; it simplifies the entire logistics of vehicle transfer.

Perfectly on time thanks to quick decisions.

As the timing was tight from the start – 3 months from the first workshop to go-live – two things were essential: The new tool was to be implemented in a pragmatic and agile manner as a minimal viable product (MVP), and cooperation between customers and the developers at INNOQ had to be very efficient. To ensure the latter, everyone was involved from the first scoping workshop in July 2023 so that the task, project framework and objective were clear to everyone from the outset. This was followed directly by development, and the close cooperation continued in the six-person team – three people from INNOQ and three from Movacar. An important factor that helped with the rapid implementation was that the most important decision-makers from the customer side were always present in the daily stand-up meetings and in the Slack channel so decisions on how to proceed were often made within minutes. The mixed team meant that everyone involved was able to effectively contribute their expertise to the development. The UI and UX designs came from INNOQ, while Movacar provided expertise on the software for billing (Salesforce) and documentation creation (Record360) as well as their integration into the Movacar PRO application. As the new app was implemented as an MVP, the team also had to focus on the essentials: only feasible ideas and features that end customers really need were integrated. Valuable insights were gathered in user interviews with dispatchers.

Flexible technology stack:

The idea of implementing the planning tool as a mobile app was based on Movacar’s suggestion and support. The tech stack was selected on this basis: TypeScript as programming language, Node.js in the backend, and Angular and Ionic in the frontend. The exciting thing about the development was that the UX designs were already available in Ionic. This is an open source web framework for creating hybrid apps. Movacar PRO can therefore be used as a native app or a web app and is available on Android, Google Play and Apple App Store. This is particularly useful because dispatchers can also use the tool on their desktop, while drivers primarily use the mobile app. Another advantage is that the app can access many hardware and software components of smartphones or tablets, such as the camera or maps.

Technology used at a glance:

  • TypeScript programming language
  • Backend: Node.js
  • Frontend: Angular, Ionic
  • Integration with Salesforce
  • API for Record360

Two user groups, one app.

The result is an app that meets the needs of both user groups.

Movacar PRO App
Movacar PRO App

Functions for dispatchers:

The greatest added value here is complete route planning. You can search for any starting point in Germany and get an overview of all routes that start there. You can then plan connecting routes, e.g. via other cities, so that the drivers return to their starting point. Journeys by other means of transport can also be added manually for seamless route planning, e.g. by train or bus to cover the distance to the next connecting route. Other features include driver management with all relevant information such as driver’s license class as well as a full overview of the conditions and billing of trips with drivers.

Functions for drivers:

All the information needed for the trip is displayed on the start screen. This includes collection point and destination, contact persons with telephone numbers, potential earnings and other special instructions. There is an assistant available on the next level down for collecting and delivering the vehicle. It supports the fully digital documentation of damage, the reporting of traffic disruptions that could delay delivery, the final documentation for vehicle delivery and the photographing and uploading of receipts, such as for fuel. Once the route has been completed, the relevant dispatchers are notified and the route is invoiced. Drivers also have the option of planning connecting routes in order to get home as cheaply as possible. There is also a chat function available via the app for customer service. Driver onboarding takes place digitally in advance via the Movacar PRO website with driver’s license, certificate of good conduct, trade license, etc.

Win-win situation in the Tech4Equity program.

INNOQ provides promising startups the opportunity to collaborate using the Tech4Equity model. This means INNOQ supports the company in matters of technology and equips it with the necessary expertise to further develop the product internally – in exchange for shares in the company. Movacar impressed INNOQ back in 2018, thanks to their promising product idea and the founders behind it. This is because they know the car rental industry and the entire subject matter like the back of their hand. The new Movacar PRO idea was also an instant hit, meaning INNOQ was involved in this product with the same financing model based on a time budget. The service included product development in the team within three months, with a further two months of support for the internal team. After this, Movacar takes over the further development of the product completely independently.

Excellent communication was established between Movacar and INNOQ from day one. This enabled us to achieve our goals and develop a web- and app-based product in such a short period of time.

Karl MarkiewiczFounder COO/CFO Target Mobility GmbH
Avatar of Jörg Müller
Principal Consultant

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There is great potential for use of the app. There are approximately 100,000 professional drivers for vehicle transfers in Germany. Four months after go-live, several thousand driving jobs had already been successfully carried out. Feedback so far has also been very positive. Dispatchers are particularly impressed by the seamless route planning and integrated driver management. Movacar itself has already multiplied sales year-on-year in the first few months after the launch of the app. A remarkable success – especially as the app was developed as an MVP in a record time of 3 months. The fact that the new app was designed and implemented so quickly and has been used successfully in a professional environment is definitely a joint achievement of the entire team at INNOQ and Target Mobility GmbH.